Can We Do This Without The Hype?

  Before I launch into what to some will no doubt seem like an Anti-Mother’s-Day speel, let me first say that I do “like” the concept of Mother’s Day.  Sort of.  I like being appreciated for my efforts (which on some days require herculean emotional and physical exursion) to rear my children in such a way that they have a chance at becoming productive members of society: choosing to quit my radio career to stay at home, choosing to educate them at home with the hopes of maximizing their potentials and opening up the exciting world of learning to them, and making them a priority in a hundred different ways everyday.  I just don’t necessarily “need” a special day for a Hallmark store thrown up on me in order to validate my daily efforts.

  This is where having kids with special needs comes in real handy because holidays always look a little “different” than a Norman Rockwell painting in our house: our 12 year old son is not the LEAST bit aware that today is any different than any other day and that’s FINE by me.  He treats me the same everyday: I get hugs with almond butter and jelly hands, he carries on elaborate-but-not-necessarily-easy-to-follow-conversations in sign language with me and he wants to watch Signing Time EVERYDAY.  Today is no different and that’s totally cool with me.  My daughter’s love language is gift-giving and she made me a precious card that said she really does love me.  Ya, that was a kleenex moment because we’ve had a TOUGH week where all things in my mothering heart have been shaken to the core, so I needed that from her and I DO appreciate it with all my heart.

We’re choosing to NOT go to church today on this overly-hyped American greeting-card holiday because this morning has been GOOD.  Our Aspie has been on HIGH alert ALL morning and enthusiastically brought me breakfast in bed (see photo), and made me a card before she came out of her bedroom this morning.  To herd everyone to church would most definitely be opening the floodgates of chaos and confusion for someone who’s already given everything she can today.  I don’t need Hallmark or a minister to validate my efforts today, I just need to remember to stay the course.  God didn’t make a mistake when He put us together and we’re on the journey together, no matter where it takes us.

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